Well, it has been a little while. I was informed that if I didn't update soon I might be outed from the blogging world. ;) So, since we've seen you last lots has happened. We have added to our family one precious piece of cargo. Layla Marie Nolan. She arrived on Dec. 4 2009 @ 9:19 am via c-section. It was a very different experience from my first delivery, but everyone turned out happy and healthy. So overall success. Rylan is doing really well with the transition. At first he was showing definite signs of a confused toddler, but now is really showing a sweet love for her. He affectionately refers to her as "sissy," and has actually proven to be very helpful with her. I did find him in her crib with her the other day, which freaked me out a bit. But they were both seeming to enjoy it so, no harm done. Rylan is advancing his vocabulary everyday, and really getting to where he can tell us exactly what he wants. What a blessing to not be dealing with the language barrier as much anymore. Layla is doing very well. She ended up catching RSV from her big brother, and was hospitalized for 2 days. But now we are all home and healthy. Thank you Lord. She is a great eater and sleeps well also. We are getting good 6-8 hour stretches now every night. Another huge blessing. We really feel so blessed to have two happy and healthy children, that truly do enrich our lives more than we could have ever imagined.

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